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History of kiteboarding

Kitesurfing, also known as kiteboarding, is a water sport that involves using a large kite to harness the power of the wind and ride on a board across the water’s surface. The sport originated in the late 1990s, when wind surfing enthusiasts began experimenting with using kites to propel their boards across the water. Since then, the sport has evolved, with new equipment and techniques being developed to allow riders to jump higher, perform tricks, and ride bigger waves. Today, kitesurfing is a popular sport around the world, with many dedicated enthusiasts and professional athletes who compete in international competitions. While the sport can be challenging to master, its combination of adrenaline, freedom, and connection to nature make it a thrilling and rewarding experience for those who love the water and the wind.

“Kiteboarding is not just a sport, it’s a way of life that allows you to soar with the wind and dance with the waves, connecting you to nature like never before.”

Kiteboarding in Puerto Rico is a thrilling experience, thanks to the island’s consistent winds and warm waters. The best time to kiteboard in Puerto Rico is from November to April when the winds are strongest. Popular kiteboarding spots on the island include the beaches of San Juan, Cabarete, and La Parguera, which offer a range of conditions suitable for beginners and experienced kiteboarders. Visitors can rent equipment or take lessons from Aquavento, who offer kiteboarding lessons for all skill levels. In addition to kiteboarding, Puerto Rico offers a range of other outdoor activities, including surfing, windsurfing, and paddleboarding. With its beautiful beaches and ideal conditions, Puerto Rico is a must-visit destination for any kiteboarding enthusiast.

Kiteboarding has been described as a blend of windsurfing, skateboarding, and gymnastics! In this sport, you are harnessed to a board with a kite and you use wind energy to move in different directions. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a truly exhilarating experience!

kiteboarding lessons

kiteboarding pricing

We have the plan you are looking for, these are our prices

  • 3 Hours / 1 Person From $450

Beginners: Level 1: 3 hrs.

Kiteboarding is a fun and easy water sport. However, safety is always our top priority. In our introductory lesson, you will learn the basic technique needed to operate a full-sized inflatable kite. This handss-on lessons will provide you with enough experience and information to get you well on your way – and you’ll have fun in the process!

Level 2: 3 hrs.

You have the safety information and the technique down! Under the careful supervision of a professional instructor and with state of the art equipment, you will move into shallow waters in level 2. Through this three-hour lesson, you will build on the skills you’ve already acquired and launch a kiteboard for the very first time. You will become more confident in your ability to launch and surf around.

Level 3: 3 hrs.

You’re almost there! You’ve launched the kite and moved around a bit in shallow water. level 3,” the third three-hour lesson, will move you into the deep water under the watchful eye of a professional instructor. When you’re finished with this lesson, you will have logged nine full hours of experience and safety training. Our goal is to build your confidence and skill level so you feel comfortable tackling deep-water kiteboarding on your own.

*See at Vimeo

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